
Hot Takes from the Shorts'iverse

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Short’s Spotlight: Pubtenders Sure Know How to Shake a Hand!

The people who work at Short’s are all very awesome. They are great people, teammates, parents, and friends. This week’s Short’s spotlight interviewees are no exception. As the pubtenders say,…

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Imperial Beer Series Food & Beer Pairing

We are very excited to be working with Grand Traverse Resort and Spa for the Imperial Series Food and Beer Pairing event going on at the Garvey Family Barn on June 7th. Short’s is re-creating the…

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Sessions for Sunshiny Summer Days

Elk Rapids legend has it that Joe Short and his brewery team make a bet with Helios (the sun god) every spring. If Short’s can summon the people of Elk…

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Hops A Lot (Part 1)

Hello Good Humans! Welcome to the 19th episode of Short’s Cast. We are going to be bringing you a series on the beloved humulus lupulus plant. It seems this species of…

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A Short’s Salute to American Craft Beer Week

Is it just me or does it feel a little bit more patriotic than usual to be sipping on a locally-produced, American craft beer this week? It sort of has…

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A Salute to American Craft Beer Week

We’re excited to celebrate American Craft Beer Week and to celebrate the week, we brought some awesome guests onto this week’s show. Julia Herz from the Brewers Association joins us…

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A successful Short’s at Savor experience

Short’s beer may only be found in Michigan, but that doesn’t mean that the team doesn’t like to travel outside of the state once and a while. Last weekend we…

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Yeasties Know How to Party!

Yeast are fascinating little buggers. They are nothing more than single-celled fungi, yet they have quite a number of tricks up their sleeves: raising bread, producing alcohol, and changing the…

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An Extremely Tasty Anniversary Ale, for an Extreme 10 Years.

Since the first year Joe Short opened the doors of 121 North Bridge Street, he has brewed an Anniversary Ale to celebrate one more year of growth and existence. Our…

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We’re 10 Years Old!

We are so excited to release this episode of Short’s Cast celebrating 10 years of loving what we do, where we love to live, with the people we love! We…

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Friends of Short’s: Trattoria Stella

Loving what we do, where we live, with the people we love is Joe Short’s personal mission. Coincidentally, our friends at Trattoria Stella have modeled their business by similar values….

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Short’s is Pouring Around Town

Our friends across Bellaire are pouring Short’s this weekend to help us celebrate. Make sure to stop in before the party, or after, and enjoy a pint at one of…

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